The Power Hour
The Power Hour is now listened to in 109 countries.  We broadcast from the United States and talk mostly about what’s happening here.  Why then, do optometrists from Albania to Zimbabwe listen?
Answering that question and others, on this episode of the Power Hour, is Leo Mac Canna, the CEO and founder of the practice management software company, Ocuco.  Ocuco is the second largest optical retail software company in the world, and continues to expand globally, with offices in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Italy, France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia and China.  Given their global experience, Leo shares his insights on the world view of optometry and what some of the more “quirky” best practices are from around the world that we can all benefit from.


Direct download: 3916.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 10:45am EST