The Power Hour

Our special guest this week is YOU!  Listen as doctors call in to share their experiences in working with a consultant.  Gary gives advice on what to look for when choosing which consultant to work with and doctors with new, established and those exiting, call in to share how their consultant helped them.

Direct download: 05-26-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 11:30pm EST

The mission of the Vision Impact Institute is to raise awareness about the importance of healthy vision, including the socio-economic impact of Uncorrected Refractive Errors and quality of life benefits of visual correction.

Their president, Maureen Cavanagh is the guest on our next episode.  She’ll discuss how they aim to be the voice of vision by gathering and communicating pertinent information to all stakeholders, including government policy makers, optical industry associates and the general public, to mobilize a world-wide movement on visual impairment advocacy.


Direct download: 5-20-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 3:06pm EST

Dr. Alan Homestead, director of billing and coding for the Power Practice joins this episode of the Power Hour.  Alan separates fact from fiction regarding what you should do to prepare for ICD 10.  He also discusses some of the most common billing and coding myths. Being prepared for ICD and using proper billing and coding procedures can significantly alter your practice’s financial destiny. Making mistakes can literally put you out of business!  

Direct download: 05-13-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 7:46am EST

In home vision testing by "Visioneers" is here.  Listen to David Schafran, the founder of and Drs. Neil Schafran and Adam Deutscher as they discuss their new technology delivery system for what they refer to as "vision testing."

They discuss the differences between their test and a comprehensive eye examination, talk about the logistics of how and when their Blink optometrists sign off on the test and write an eyeglass prescription and how their technology benefits patients.

Direct download: 05-06-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 10:05am EST

Listen in as we broadcast LIVE from the Vision Source Exchange in Phoenix, Arizona.  Joining the show are Vision Source Execs who share their thoughts about where the industry is headed and why joining a doctor alliance is so critical.  They also talk about what's new at Vision Source.


Direct download: 04-29-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 10:10am EST