The Power Hour

If you could do five – and only five – things to build your practice, what would they be?  On this episode of the Power Hour, Gary shares his own special list of what he recommends to jumpstart your practice and ensure it stays highly efficient and profitable.

Direct download: 111616.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 10:19am EST

Dr. Mark Jacquot, Luxottica’s VP and Clinical Director, Vision Care Operations is the guest on this episode of the Power Hour.  Mark discusses his thoughts on the current state of corporate optometry and where he sees it fitting in the big picture of optometry’s future. 

Direct download: 11916.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 2:10pm EST

David Friedfeld is back on the air to share his thoughts about everything from what the optical of the future will look like to how many frames should be in a typical practice.  We discuss the pros/cons of carrying ubiquitous brands vs. frames from smaller independent companies, frame markup strategies and a potpourri of other important topics.

Direct download: 11216.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 6:36pm EST