The Power Hour

What is often talked about, easy to calculate and rarely used?  That would be "chair costs."  This week, Gary discusses exactly what the terminology means, how to calculate yours and what to do with the numbers you get.  If you want to learn what GOPPAR and RevPAR mean, and how they affect your practice, and what they've got to do with chair costs - you'll want to tune in to this episode!

Direct download: 112917_2.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 9:30pm EST

Enchroma’s web site says their glasses, “ . . . open up a world of color for people with color blindness.  Our products provide vibrant, accurate color . . .”
Seems straightforward enough, until you discuss the lenses with doctors.  On one side are doctors who say, “Patients report they see better, and that’s what matters” and on the other, “If they can’t see any extra Ishihara plates, what’s the point?”
Listen to this episode of the Power Hour when Enchroma supporters, optician Barry Santini and Dr. Justin Bazan explain why they prescribe the lenses – and listen to callers and others who explain why they don’t.  Then, you decide if Enchroma is right for your practice!
Direct download: 111617.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 5:11pm EST

“My staff just doesn’t get it!  It’s hopeless and training doesn’t work!”
Sound familiar? It certainly does to us!
On this episode of the Power Hour, Gary digs into why so many practice owners say that so often – and what you should do about it!  There is hope – but you’ll only get the advice you need if you tune in!
Direct download: November_8_2017.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 11:40am EST

In what will probably be the shortest episode ever, Gary reveals the atomic powered tool the every entrepreneur has, and never uses.  It’s one of those “I can’t believe it was this obvious and staring me in the face all the time” things that you WILL be able to use right after the show.  Short, to the point and powerful – on this episode of the Power Hour!

Direct download: November_12017.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 8:33am EST