The Power Hour

In what may be the shortest Power Hour episode ever, in only about 5 minutes Gary will discuss a 5-minute technique that will have a profound and lasting impact on your practice.

Many practices have reported this simple 5-minute technique is one of the best things they’ve ever done in their practices!

Direct download: 5292019.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 5:23am EDT

Looking to kick your marketing into high gear? Learn what DOESN'T work. Find out the top marketing blunders seen in most practices. This week on Power Hour, Gary outlines the most common marketing tactics that don’t work.

Direct download: 5222019.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 8:53am EDT

Both options have pros and cons. This week, Gary outlines the pluses and minuses of buying a practice and opening cold.

Direct download: 5082019.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 9:04pm EDT

Find out how fear of failure and resistance to change can take a toll your practice. This week, Gary talks about the top 7 "should haves" and how they can lead to regret.

Direct download: may12019.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 6:46pm EDT