The Power Hour

EyeMed's John Lahr, OD, Liz DiGiandomenico (President) and Greg Hare talk about their new business model and answer your questions about the new contract, why they are sending reminders to get an eye exam to your patients, billing medical vs. vision and lots of other important topics.

Direct download: 08-28-13.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 1:04am EST

WellPoint/1-800-Contacts joins the show.  Richard Hom, OD, and Vision Services President Jeff Spahr discuss coordination of care and the 1-800 benefit for WellPoint members.

Direct download: 08-21-13.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 1:12am EST

Think About Your Eyes - should you participate?  Learn about the research and results behind the program and decide for yourself. It's arguably the biggest direct to consumer marketing campaign in eye care.  Should you be a part of it?

Direct download: 08-14-13.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 12:08am EST

The HIPAA Police really ARE coming!  Healthcare attorney Susan Orr joins the show and talks about what you need to know to protect yourself from what could literally put you out of business with a stroke of the pen.  Can you text your patients?  Send them postcards?  Use a sign in sheet?  Do you have to lock up patient files?  Tune in and find out.

Direct download: 08-07-13.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 12:33am EST

Learn how to make your office green.  CEO of MODO frames, Pierre Fay, discusses techniques you can use to make your practice green, the size of the green market and why being green is a great way to position your practice.

Direct download: 07-31-13.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 11:17pm EST