The Power Hour

Meaningful use audits are on the rise.  How should you prepare and respond in the event you are one of the "lucky" doctors to be audited? 

The percentage of doctors who lose their audits is alarmingly high, so listen to this show and protect your MU payment!  Susan Orr, a healthcare attorney joins the show to discuss this important topic.

Direct download: 01-28-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

Are you putting your patients at risk when you prescribe generic drugs?  Have those drugs gone through the same approval process and clinical trials as branded drugs?

Drs. Agustin Gonzalez and Mel Friedman join the show to discuss this very important topic

Direct download: 01-21-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 4:43pm EST

The President of Luxottica Wholesale (frames), Holly Rush, joins the show.  Holly shares great perspective on the importance of brands and optimizing the patient’s experience in your practice.  Luxottica sells one RayBan per SECOND.  Holly talks about how you can make your practice the “RayBan” in your community!  Great information!

Direct download: 01-14-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 1:31pm EST

A two part episode!  First, Gary talks about a way to ensure 2015 is successful. Then, Drs. Justin Bazan and Alan Glazier debate whether Facebook is still relevant as part of your marketing plan.  Listen to this VERY lively and entertaining discussion.

Direct download: 01-07-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 1:29am EST