The Power Hour
Join Jeffry Gerson, OD, FAAO on this week's show as he gets us up to the second on what's new in ARMD diagnosis, management and treatment.  Also joining the show will be Greg Jackson, PhD from Maculogix to discuss research around the link of dark adaptation and ARMD.  
Direct download: 22118.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 10:47am EST

It's Valentine's Day! Let's talk about what you hate about optometry!
Gary discusses the top 5 things you love to hate about the profession and how to turn your thinking around to opportunity.
Find out more on this episode of the Power Hour. 
Direct download: 21418.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 3:56pm EST

With industry trends leading more doctors to provide specialty care (dry eyes, glaucoma, vision therapy, low vision, TBI care, specialty contact lenses etc), communicating with other professionals is a significant opportunity for practice growth.  Unfortunately, optometry has long been the "outcast" in the medical community making it difficult to break through to this group of doctors.
On this episode of The Power Hour, Gary discusses how to configure your specialty practice from the ground up to ensure this large source of prospective patients is accessible to your practice.
Direct download: Feb72018.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 8:26am EST

Why did you become an OD?  Are you achieving your “why?”  Gary discusses his own personal journey on the road to his “why” and talks about how you can use the same technique to have your practice work for you instead of you becoming a slave to your practice.

Direct download: 13118.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 10:02am EST