The Power Hour

Professor Brien Holden joins the show calling in live from Australia.  Brien discusses things like updates with myopia control contact lenses, bifocals, daily disposables, worldwide usage of contact lenses, and optometry in developing countries. Also, in a style that is uniquely his, he answers the question, "With all the research and development being done by the big contact lens companies, why aren’t contact lenses perfect?"

Direct download: 04-17-13.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 11:12pm EST

Doctors can collect more than $3,000 and sometimes up to $6,000 per patient. It’s safe, it works, it is rarely covered by insurance, and a technician can do a lot of the work. There is little cost of goods involved, yet very few doctors perform vision therapy in their practices. Why is that? The old school thinking of, "it’s voodoo" no longer applies since there are numerous well done studies that support the efficacy of VT, and tens of thousands success stories exist. With all that said, why do so few practices offer VT to their patients?

Barry Tannen, OD, FCOVD has a huge and wildly profitable VT practice in New Jersey. He teaches practice management at SUNY Optometry and has consulted with other doctors on how to manage a thriving VT practice.

Join Barry as he tackles the "why don’t more docs do VT" question, as well as offering great advice for those who DO already have VT as a part of their practices.

Direct download: 04-10-13_-_edited.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 1:42pm EST

Marge Axelrad from Vision Monday joins the show!  As an editor and  "industry insider," Marge shares her views and experience on current trends and challenges affecting OD practices.  Tune in for what will be a very unique perspective on the day to day issues facing your practice!

Direct download: 04-03-13.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 10:41pm EST