The Power Hour

Are Independent Practice Associations (IPA's) the answer to managed care woes?  Dr. Joseph Ross, president of the NY IPA discusses how IPA's work, his opinion on their advantages compared to current managed care plans, how you can research if there is already one in your state, and if not, how to set one up.

Direct download: 04-22-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 9:05am EST

World famous optometrist, Professor Brien Holden offers up great insight on the myopia epidemic.  He discusses probable causes and the best current solutions as well as some solutions that are on the way.  He also makes a case why astute OD's will become myopia managers instead of just myopia correctors. It's a fascinating discussion from the worlds' leading OD!

Direct download: 04-15-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 4:39pm EST

Are dentists smarter than optometrists? 

Well known and highly respected optometrist, Dr. Art Epstein, answers with a resounding "Yes!" 

Listen to Art discuss why he thinks this way, how optometrists can benefit from practicing like dentists and how he has similarly configured his own practice to model a dental practice.  Always outspoken and on point, Art offers great practical advice to our listeners.

Direct download: 04-08-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 6:06pm EST

Sjogren's syndrome is often either missed or misdiagnosed yet as many as 4 million Americans live with the disease.  Steve Cohen, OD, is the only optometrist on the Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation board of directors and he's our special guest on this episode.

He discusses how to diagnose and help treat the ocular manifestations of Sjogren's and how to communicate with the medical community about your place in the patient's care.

Direct download: 04-01-15.mp3
Category:Optometry -- posted at: 5:13pm EST